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  • An Event To Remember

    Use our Online Event Planner to customize every detail of your event.

    Fun wedding bouquet toss

Online Event Planner

We realize that every event is unique and that your time is valuable.

Our exclusive Online Event Planner will streamline your planning process. It’ll walk you through the timeline of a typical reception; giving you the opportunity to customize everything exactly the way you would like while providing helpful suggestions along the way.

Three weeks before your reception, we’ll use your planner’s online profile to match you with a DJ that fits your musical tastes, style, and interaction level.

Using our planner will dramatically increase your efficiency in planning your reception, and provide your DJ with the detail needed to ensure your event goes as planned.

Some of the features on the on-line event planner include:

Save Time & Simplify Your Planning

Define Your Event Timeline

Create a Custom Playlist

Create a "Must Play" Playlist

Browse Our Recommended Songs for Special Moments

Plan Your Ceremony Music

Customize DJ Interaction & Crowd Participation

View Suggested Playlists for Dozens of Genres

Register & Login to Your Event Planner

If you are looking for more information or would like to request a reservation contract please contact us.